Chiromancy, or palm reading, is the art using the palms of the hands to learn more about a person or tell their future. While it has roots deep within India’s past, today it is one of the most common methods of communicating with the divine. At Psychic Readings & Chakra Balancing by Vivian we have Palm Readers who are well versed and blessed with natural talent. We will evaluate your character, or future, by studying the palm of your hand. The mounts and plains of your hand correspond with major areas of life and the lines and creases that tell a story about the future.
Based in Chicago, Psychic Readings & Chakra Balancing by Vivian has been performing palm readings for clients throughout Chicago and the suburbs. Blessed with psychic abilities, your spiritual consultant has the vision to help change the lives of thousands, guiding them to their true destiny! If you’re not sure what you need you’re welcome to call or come in any time. We will be happy to guide you.